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Dansara Jaisi, a 53 year old women living in villages of Maila, first interacted with PHASE after her ninth child birth. Dansara married at the age of 12 and two years later moved into her husband’s family home. In Nepali culture, the daughter-in-law is expected to carry out all household chores and be the last to eat every single day. Throughout all nine pregnancies, Dansara had to continue working 12 hour days with limited opportunity for rest and an insufficient diet. Overtime, Dansara’s body began to suffer, this lifestyle led to difficult health complications; Dansara developed chronic fatigue, lower back pains, stomach aches and experienced white vaginal discharge. Dansara could not stop working, however, due to the pressure of her husband and his family. As her pains got worse, Dansara could only suffer in silence; she had no time for any healthcare support, travelling to the nearest healthcare facility would minimise her time carrying out household chores. At the age of 53, Dansara is only a mother to four children – she sadly lost five of her children due to miscarriages and early on-set health complications. Dansara continued to push her body, and consequently suffered from a uterine prolapse. It was at this point in Dansara’s life that she was in desperate need of medical attention, she was no longer willing to suffer alone, her life depended on it.

Maila Health Post

Dansara heard of PHASE’s health check-up programme in Maila, that aimed to provide women in Maila with seminal healthcare advice and support. PHASE Nepal health staff supported the Maila health post, as pictured above. On Dansara’s arrival, the PHASE Nepal health staff immediately provided her with the required pessary treatment to lessen the pain of the uterine prolapse. She was advised to rest and allow the treatment to work, and as time passed Dansara felt able to work again. Dansara wishes that this healthcare support was available during her pregnancies, she believes some her children would still be alive today if there was available healthcare. Dansara was very grateful to the PHASE Nepal health workers, and hopes that many other women will seek healthcare support from PHASE health posts in the future. PHASE Worldwide are devoted to ensuring that many women like Dansara, can receive vital healthcare in times of emergency.

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